baumi's blog

baumi's personal blog … Linux, OS X, Windows, Random things, …

Migrating 1Password to KeePass, KeePassX database (including folders, attachments etc.) — Keepass2

On Windows: Download the plugin binary, copy into the plugins folder under c:\program files\keepas … then do import -> 1password .1pif … You will need to do this once per Tresor, in case you are using multiple. Please note that all folders and data will be transferred, however the file attachments will not be […]

GNU/Linux Elementary OS: my X11 synaptics settings for lenovo thinkpad t450s t450 t460s t460 X1 t470 t470s x250 x260 x270 (touchpad cursor accelleration like OSX)

1) make sure synaptics driver is used instead of libinput (see /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for libinput and synaptics) apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics apt-get remove xserver-xorg-input-libinput reboot 2) When synaptics is running, try these settings for osx-like accelleration: root@t450s:~# cat #!/bin/bash synclient MaxSpeed=4.5 synclient MinSpeed=0.25 synclient AccelFactor=0.015 synclient RightButtonAreaLeft=4500 synclient RightButtonAreaTop=3500 synclient RightButtonAreaBottom=5000 synclient FingerLow=25 synclient […]

GNU/Linux: Using fingerprint reader on Lenovo Thinkpad t440s, t450s

1) find fingerprint sensor id (make sure it’s enabled in BIOS): lsusb mine is: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 138a:0017 Validity Sensors, Inc. Fingerprint Reader 2) install fingerprint packages: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fingerprint/fingerprint-gui sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libbsapi policykit-1-fingerprint-gui fingerprint-gui 3) run “Finerprint GUI” from applications

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