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VMware Unlocker for running macOS / OS X under Linux and/or Windows

UPDATE 05/2017: when updating VMware workstation, the suspended/paused OSX VM seems to work fine but won’t boot up again (e.g. after updating to the latest OSX version which requires a reboot). I had to reinstall the unlocker and it’s working again … i’m still using unlocker v2.0.8 but on git there is a 2.0.9: OSX 10.12.4 is working, too.

Install VMware Player or VMware Workstation from

In order to see “Apple OSX” you need to install VMware Unlocker:

VMware Player is free for personal non-commercial use. Please consider licensing VMware player and/or workstation if you are using this for commercial / business purposes. Thank You!

Bildschirmfoto von »2016-12-27 14:04:51«

IMPORTANT: (Note: in VMWare 12.5 i didnt have to do this anymore:)
If you create a new VM using version 11 or 12 hardware VMware will stop and create a core dump.There are two options to work around this issue:
1. Change the VM to be HW 10 – this does not affect performance.
2. Edit the VMX file and add:
smc.version = “0” |

Hint: the button “VM -> Install VMware tools” doesn’t work, just manually mount the “darwin.iso” file that has been downloaded by the unlocker and install the tools. Worked for me with OSX 10.12.2 also!

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