baumi's blog

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Goodbye OSX – part #3: migrating from 1password to Keepass / KeepassX

UPDATE 03/Jan/2016: 1Password 4.x for Windows is working nicely in WINE. The mac serial works for windows, too. – Perfect!

Unfortunately, Agilebits (the creator of 1Password) are not offering a linux version of their password storage tool: 1password

a couple of years ago, we have switched from KeePassX (OSX) to 1Password because of the better browser integration and the wifi-sync with the companion mobile app.

Now it’s time to migrate back to Keepass v2 *or* KeepassX. We’re still evaluating. However, here is some help for importing the data:

Importing 1Password data into KeePass/KeePassX:

Another alternative is using the windows 1Password binary on Wine. AFAIK this is kinda sluggish, though.

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