3 04 2018
Linux on LENOVO Thinkpad Carbon X1 2018 G6 Gen6 6th Gen (hiDPI changes, BIOS upgrade, Spectre/Meltdown, synaptics touchpad driver, wifi, etc.)
Login Screen:
i don’t want the hidpi scaling here, because it’s getting to big, thus:
sudo vi /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.interface.gschema.xml
<key name="scaling-factor" type="u"> <default>0</default>
<key name="scaling-factor" type="u"> <default>1</default>
Touchpad / Trackpad
I’m using the synaptics driver, same settings as with my T450s. I had to disable the Trackpoint in BIOS to make it work, please have a look on Arch Wiki for other/better solutions: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Lenovo_ThinkPad_X1_Carbon_(Gen_6)
#!/bin/bash #1920x1080 -> 4.5 #2560x1440 -> 6.0 synclient MaxSpeed=6.0 #1920x1080 -> 0.25 #2560x1440 -> 0.333 synclient MinSpeed=0.333 synclient AccelFactor=0.015 synclient RightButtonAreaLeft=4500 synclient RightButtonAreaTop=3500 synclient RightButtonAreaBottom=5000 synclient FingerLow=25 synclient FingerHigh=30
Linux Intel 8265 WiFi driver (iwlwifi):
As you can see at https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005511/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking.html you need a Linux 4.6+ kernel for WiFi support. Currently Elementary OS is using a 4.4 kernel, but you can use UKUU for easy kernel upgrades: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/upgrade-kernel-ukuu-ubuntu/. I’ve installed 4.16.0 and iwlwifi is working nicely.
Xfce hi-DPI settings
Einstellungsbearbeitung -> xsettings -> Xft -> DPI to 135
Thunderbird Mail
Open Preferences -> Advanced -> Config Editor and change
BIOS upgrade
See https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/at/en/downloads/DS502282 and https://blog.b-nm.at/2017/01/06/lenovo-thinkpad-t450s-bios-update-with-bootable-usb-memory-stick-drive/
See also: Spectre/Meltdown Checker
VMware workstation 12 and 14: requires gcc 7.2.0
See https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test
If you see VMware suck at “Waiting for connection”, try running “sudo vmware” this did fix it for me and others. (Source: https://communities.vmware.com/thread/573634)
# All voltage values are expressed in mV and *MUST* be negative (i.e. undervolt)! [UNDERVOLT.BATTERY] # CPU core voltage offset (mV) CORE: -90 # Integrated GPU voltage offset (mV) GPU: -60 # CPU cache voltage offset (mV) CACHE: -90 # System Agent voltage offset (mV) UNCORE: -60 # Analog I/O voltage offset (mV) ANALOGIO: 0 # All voltage values are expressed in mV and *MUST* be negative (i.e. undervolt)! [UNDERVOLT.AC] # CPU core voltage offset (mV) CORE: -90 # Integrated GPU voltage offset (mV) GPU: -60 # CPU cache voltage offset (mV) CACHE: -90 # System Agent voltage offset (mV) UNCORE: -60 # Analog I/O voltage offset (mV) ANALOGIO: 0
The machine learning algorithm cheat sheet Linux toolchain test builds (e.g. gcc versions)
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