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ATTENTION: Android Backup (adb) not working properly on Googles own Nexus5 phone: better look for something else!

I’ve had two full backups of my nexus 5. i did a small script, which looks like this:

fname=nexus5_backupdata_$(date +”%Y-%m-%d_%H%M”).ab
echo “Creating backup file $fname …”
~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb backup -apk -shared -all -f ~/$fname

to restore, i did:

~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb restore ~/nexus5_backupdata_2015-08-11_1614.ab

so, what happened?

most of my apps are restored, a few are missing, all my accounts are missing, all emails, anything truly important is missing.
total fuckup.

Thank You Google.

i can only recommend: buy an iOS device or do your backups in a different way. in my eyes, adb is big shit, at least for google’s own Nexus 5 phone. Check out other blogs (e.g. or, the web is full of problem reports. Luckily, backups are not important, right?

I’m just feeling so angry that i re-purchased this brand new nexus5, instead of swapping back to iphone. i’ve never ever lost data on my iphone, and backup/restore was a) working and b) i didn’t even have to waste time on them, as they automatically backuped every time i connected my iphone.

Not being able to restore all your data, while having two full backups, is really frustrating.
Therefore: Thank you google, you really did fuck up my day.

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