baumi's blog

baumi's personal blog … Linux, OS X, Windows, Random things, …

BeagleBoard BeagleBone: Network connection via USB/Network not working anymore on OSX 10.9 Mavericks?

Today i started configuring my beaglebone board. While the first time after installing the USB driver and the tethering HoRNDIS driver, it soon stopped working. I ended up getting multiple entries in my network configuration.

This will fix the issue:

Edit these two files and remove all entries containing beagleboard (beginning with <key>, including the following <dict> entry until </dict>). Do  this for every key/dict pair that holds a “Beagle” propery/string. – After removing all these from the two .plist files, i rebooted, and it was immediately working again! if i would have known this, i would have saved lots of time reinstalling the drivers again and again … 😉





Set a fixed IP for the LAN interface:

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